In my honest opinion, "YHWH" with the vowels of "adonai" makes "YaHoWaiH", does it not? Even Strong's uses "Y e hôvâh" and "Y e hôvîh" to transliterate the vowel-pointed Tetragrammaton. It is easy for me to see how even "Yehowah" changes to "Jehovah", because the English "Y" has the same sound as the German "J", and the German "W" has the same sound as the English "V".
These days, JWs use "worship" to mean "pray" and "honour as the Most High". In this context, "worship" belongs only to Jehovah.
On the other hand, if "worship" can mean "bow down" and "honour with respect", then that would mean that greeting someone respectfully would be a kind of worship. Indeed, one holding to honourable Bible standards will honour all, even Satan, which is not an understanding that is easy to think about as "worship", in my honest opinion.